Saturday, April 18, 2009

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nokia Launches E75 in India

Nokia launches its latest E-Series handset E75 in India. Nokia E75 will be available for Rs. 26, 299 in two colours - silver black and red. 

Nokia E75 Key Features 

Form: Side slider with Full QWERTY keyboard 
S60 3rd Edition 
Dimensions: 111.8 x 50/80 x 14.4 mm 
Weight: 139 g 
Full keyboard + number keys 
High quality QVGA display 
Size: 2.4" 
Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels (QVGA) 
TFT active matrix (QVGA) 
Easy email set-up and Support for email attachments 
3.2 megapixel camera (2048 x 1536 pixels) 
8X digital zoom 
LED flash 
Integrated A-GPS 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No free coffee and internet for IBMers from May 1

IBM worldwide has begun cost cuts in order to battle the effects of the global financial crisis and will scrap office amenities such 
as tea and coffee, and even company-funded home internet access.

From May 1, IBM will cease to reimburse Internet access for staff working from home. Direct pay corporate managed and contracted home Internet services will also be scrapped. 

"IBM will cease the reimbursement of home internet access for employees," The Australian quoted the company, as saying in an email to staff. 

"Secondly, over the next several months the provision of some office amenities, including tea and coffee supplies, will be phased out. Where it makes sense, our intent is to replace this with user-paid vending machines at selected sites." 

IBM said the expiring home Internet policy was developed in the 1990s, when home Internet was not the norm. The cost-cutting measures would allow IBM to continue workforce programmes including a salary bonus pool, a single-cycle salary review later in the year, funding education to support revenue generation and continuing to invest billions in research and development, it said. 

IBM Australia declined to reveal how much money it expected to save from the cost-cutting initiatives. 

IBM reported a 12 per cent gain to $4.4 billion in net income for the fourth quarter of 2008, but slipped 6 per cent in revenue to $27 billion when the recession hit technology spending. 

In January, IBM sent layoff notices to more than 2800 people in its sales and software groups in the US. The latest round of job cuts at IBM was announced last month, when industry sources said another 5000 IBM workers in the US would lose their jobs. 

Google Polishes Up Android 1.5 Dev Kit

Google is offering a sneak peek at the software developer kit for Android 1.5, the next version of the mobile operating system. Soft keyboard support is among the new feature possibilities. This kit and future kits will also include tools for past versions as well, making it easier for devs to build apps that work on older versions of the software.

Application creators can get an early look at the software developer kit (SDK) for Android 1.5, the next version of the mobile operating system, according to Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) More about Google.

Based on the "Cupcake" branch from the Android Open Source Project, the SDK has application programming interfaces (APIs) for new features, including soft keyboards. Android phones with the new operating system could challenge the iPhone.

Google has also changed the developer tools as well as the structure of the SDK so that it includes multiple versions of the Android platform. For example, the new SDK includes Android 1.1 and 1.5.

Google, however, has in some ways been relatively slow to crack the mobile phone market, and competition and politics could make things tough for Android.

Android 1.5 SDK Features

The preview release of the Android 1.5 SDK is based on the Cupcake development branch, a private branch of the Android Open Source Project. Most of the Cupcake source code is already available as open source More about open source now, Google spokesperson Carolyn Penner told LinuxInsider.

The Android 1.5 SDK is based on a new Linux kernel, version 2.6.27.

While Android 1.5 has not yet been finalized, meaning it could be changed, perhaps its most impressive feature currently is its on-screen soft keyboard, which works in both portrait and landscape orientations.

"The soft keyboard is the biggest feature that will make a difference to developers," Yankee Group analyst Carl Howe told LinuxInsider. "That means you can have a pure touch device, unlike the Android G1, which has a fold-out keyboard."

Taking On the iPhone?

Through its support for accelerometers, its stereo music capabilities, and its video capture features in the 1.5 SDK, Android could close in on Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) More about Apple iPhone, according to Yankee Group's Howe.

The 1.5 SDK includes accelerometer-based application rotation capabilities, which opened new doors for device design when the iPhone introduced them.

Through Bluetooth More about Bluetooth A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), the Android SDK 1.5 offers Bluetooth support for essentially high-quality music stereo headsets, going beyond what the iPhone offers. "They're stealing a march on the iPhone by offering a music headset with high-quality stereo," Howe said. "The iPhone's Bluetooth support [is] very much oriented towards a phone headset."

However, the iPhone will support A2DP in the next version of its operating system, expected to be released summer.

"The soft touch keyboard, accelerometer support and video capture will make Android phones more complete and worthy competitors to the iPhone," Howe said.

Leveraging Google

Users can batch actions, such as archive, delete and label on Gmail messages. They can also upload videos to YouTube More about YouTube and photos on Picasa.

In addition, users can view their Google Talk friends' status in the Contacts, SMSMMS, Gmail and e-mail applications.

Changes to the SDK

Future releases of the Android SDK, including 1.5, will include multiple versions of the Android platform, Google said. The latest SDK, for instance, includes both Android 1.1 and 1.5.

This lets developers target different versions of the platform from one SDK so they won't have to develop applications twice. Future Android SDK releases will also let developers install SDK add-ons to access extended functionality from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), carriers or other providers, Google said. SDK 1.5 has an add-on which provides support for the Google Maps API. That API was embedded in the core SDK in earlier versions.

Google warns that APIs for Android 1.5 have not been finalized and that some changes could be made before the final release, scheduled for the end of April. It asks developers not to release applications based on this early-look SDK.

Eating Others' Dust?

When announcing Android in 2007, Google said that the first mobile phones would hit the market in late 2008. So far, only T-Mobile USA More about T-Mobile carries an Android phone, the G1, in the United States.

One reason is because carriers don't want to be shut out of the earnings, IDC analyst Will Stofega told LinuxInsider "The operators are very worried about what happens in terms of revenue; they don't want to just collect data charges and not get a good cut of the share of profits from mobile handsets," he explained.

Another reason is the huge earnings potential for mobile platforms. "This battle over the mobile phone platform is one of the holy wars of computing," Jim Ready, chief technical officer and cofounder of embedded Linux operating system vendor MontaVista, told LinuxInsider. "Sales are driven by applications -- remember there's been 1 billion downloads from the Apple App Store -- so there's a maniacal focus on the platform." 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Axis Bank charges list for salary account type: SAPPL

The below mention charges levied in salary a/cs by Axis Bank 
These are the revised charges that no one was informed before hand even statements are not properly reached at the addresses.

For Account type:SAPPL
Balance Requirement
No Minimum Balance requirement for month on month salary credits

Non - maintainence Charges NA 
( applicable only if the account is not receiving the salary for 3 months and the average balance as per the SBEZY scheme code are not maintained )

Cheque Book 
One cheque book free per quarter; thereafter charged @ Rs 50/- per cheque book ( 20 Leaves )

International Debit Card
Free Master card for primary account holder only for the first year. Annual Charges of Rs. 95/- plus Service Tax from Second Year onwards

Demand Drafts At Axis Bank Locations
No charges upto Rs 25000/- per month.; Above rs 25000/- charged @ Rs 2.5/ 1000

Outstation Cheque
Collection of charges on outstation cheque clearance @ Rs 2.50/1000 + out of pocket expenses at AXIS bank locations. 

Branch Transaction
3 free transactions per month. Beyond 3 transactions @ Rs 50/- per transaction irrespective of whether Average quarterly balance is maintained or not. 

Anywhere banking (same City Other than Base branch Cash Deposit ) 
3 free cash deposits per quarter. Above 3 deposits, charges @ Rs 50/- per transaction. 
& Free cash desposit upto Rs 75000/- per quarter. Beyond the limit charges @ Rs 4/1000 with minimum of Rs 100

Anywhere banking ( Other city ) cash deposit on number of transactions 
1 transaction per quarter free. Second & Third Transaction @ Rs 100/- and Fourth transaction onwards charges @ Rs 200/- per transaction. 
Anywhere banking ( Other city ) cash deposit on amount of cash deposit. 
Deposits above Rs.75000/- will be charged @ Rs.4 per thousand with a minimum charge of Rs.100/-.
Anywhere Banking ( Cash Withdrawal ( self / third party) ) Upto Rs.50000/- per day free. Beyond limit charged @ Rs 2.50/1000

Intersol Clearing Charges (only debits): 
10 free transactions per quarter up to a maximum of Rs. 2 lacs. 
11th - 20th cheque/quarter charged @ Rs 100/- per instrument
21st and above charged @ Rs 200/- per instrument
If Amount exceeds Rs.2 lac per quarter charged @ Rs 2.50/1000

Stop Payment Transactions
Rs.100 per instrument and Rs.200 for a series of cheques beyond three instruments.

Cheque Return Charges
Inward Clearing - Rs.350, beyond third instrument Rs.750 per instrument
Outward clearing cheque return Rs.100 per instrument
Outstation - Rs.100/- per instrument

No Salary Credit Charges 
Period under consideration for non credit of salary : 3 months 

and we are charged under Branch Transaction parameter.

Monday, April 13, 2009

How To Choose Between a Laptop, Notepad or a Desktop Computer

Most people seem to prefer to purchase a laptop/notebook computer these days instead of the more traditional desktop computer. The problem is that users are not always aware of information they truly need to make that all-important purchasing decision. We have tried below to provide you with a reasonable summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Laptop v's Notebook

Most people refer to their portable computer as a �laptop', whilst this is not technically the correct term in a lot of cases. Here we examine the difference between the �laptop' and �notebook' definitions.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's portable computers became widely available. They were all called �laptops' and they were heavier than we have become used to. Prior to this the only portable computers were very large �suitcase' style machines which were quite heavy. As these laptop computers became smaller during the 1990's the term �notebook' computer began to emerge. Most portable computer manufacturers will now refer to their product as a �notebook' rather than a �laptop'. The term �notebook' has partially replaced the term �laptop' because these �heavier' machines are no longer being made.

Traditionally, a �notebook' computer would have most of these features: -

Ultra-light and very low profile (ie. thin)

4 hours of battery life -

No internal floppy drive -

Minimal graphics subsystem -

Maximum 14" TFT screen -

Integrated modem/network connections -

Smallest possible keyboard (retaining functionality) -

Low power consumption processor

The problem with a notebook computer is that, in order to have a high specification, they come at a cost. Many �notebook' computers cannot actually be used on your �lap', so they cannot really be described as a �laptop' � this is because the main cooling air fan inlet is on the bottom. Comspec would suggest that when you are actually intending to use your notebook computer on your knees, then you should place a small board (even a tray) underneath it.

�Laptop' computers realistically do not exist anymore, they are being referred to as �desktop replacement' computers. They are designed to offer desktop performance, but still be portable. Traditionally, a �laptop' computer would have most of these features: -

14" to 17" TFT screen -

Nvidia GeForce or ATI Radeon graphics subsystem -

I nternal DVD-ROM or DVD-RW drive -

Large full-featured keyboard -

2 hours battery life -

Upgradeability (within some restrictions) -

Integrated modem, network and Wi-Fi capabilities -

High quality integrated audio/speaker system -

Low power consumption processor

Most people, however, still refer to their �notebook' as a �laptop' and numerous retailers still call them �laptops'. The terms are used interchangeably and could be used either way. Because of the advances in portable computing, the definitions have become fuzzy and it is a matter of opinion as to which you call your computer.

Laptop/Notebook v's Desktop

The portable computer should not realistically be used as a �replacement' for a desktop computer � it is purely a �portable' solution. Some retailers are misleading (I hope not intentionally) customers by telling them the laptop they are selling is a straight replacement for a desktop. I have even heard one salesperson say that the desktop computer is now obsolete and the laptop 
s the new computer.

The advantages of a desktop computer are: -
More powerful -

Higher storage is available -

Easy to upgrade or repair -

More resistant to theft -

Less prone to component failure -

Components are less expensive -

Components are not always specific to any machine -

More overall performance per pound cost -

Multiple monitor support is standard on some desktops

The advantages of a laptop/notebook are: -

Portability makes them very useful -

Access to wireless networking in public places

There is no real comparison on performance between a laptop and a desktop computer. The laptop has a couple of fundamental problems to overcome which limit it. The first of these is size , the smaller the machine the less room to put components. The second is heat , the laptop is small, giving less room to circulate air to cool components. Because manufacturers are constantly fighting against these problems the laptop will never truly �replace' the desktop.

A major number of laptops are �proprietary' meaning that their components are not interchangeable. If you want a component for your laptop you will usually have to stick to the same manufacturer to get it. The design of laptops changes so often that parts are not always easy to get. Here are a few other important factors which you need to be aware of regarding laptop/notebook computers:

1) Their processor usually runs at a reduced speed when on battery power

2) The cost of repairing a laptop/notebook can be much more than a desktop. Labour is more intensive and the parts are always more expensive.

3) The hard drive in a laptop is smaller than their desktop cousins. This means that, whilst laptops are being supplied with larger disks, the desktop computer is still the number one choice for users with large storage needs.

4) The laptops/notebooks which are being offered for sale in the 300-500 price bracket are usually not what we would describe as business' machines. They are built to a lesser specification and their upgradeability path is small to non-existent.

5) Anyone who relies on graphics or sheer power for gaming is forced to go the desktop route to gain the specification they require.

So, to summarise, Comspec does not recommend that you avoid laptops, but you should realistically only buy one if you are happy to trade performance for portability. The portability aspect is very important  if you do not need it, then always go for a desktop computer. The debate will go on as the industry develops, but the purpose of this article is simply to give you, the user, a heads-up on this political' debate.


Choosing the right computer to buy, can sometimes be a difficult decision. Offering Free Help and Advice hopes this article written by Mark Anderson Comspec Computers. will help make the choice a little easier.



Buying a laptop? Some cheap options

Indiatimes Infotech 

Planning to buy a laptop, but not sure if to spare the cash in the present uncertain economic scenario? Here's how to have a laptop without taxing your pocket. 

Welcome to the emerging breed of laptops, called Netbooks, these mini-laptops offer slimmer looks, smart functionalities and carry a small price tag. The category initially lead by Taiwan-based Asus, today has been joined by all PC majors including Acer, Dell and HP. 

Also, called Internet books, they are ideal devices for Web browsing, emailing, chatting, designing and gaming. Here are some recent NetBooks launches to guide your decision.

More on 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

7 biggest PC threats

You think hacking is the biggest security threat on the World Wide Web? Time to rethink. According to Microsoft’s bi-annual Security Intelligence Report, rogue software and the lost and stolen PCs are the biggest culprits.

Here are the top seven security threats to our PCs.

Stolen PCs
Lost and stolen equipment, not computer hacking, continue to be the most common cause of security breaches. Over 50 per cent of the security breaches (that led to data loss) reported in second half of 2008 were a result of stolen or lost PCs. 

To mitigate this threat, organizations must implement strong data governance practices to help protect data from criminal access.

Rogue security software
Also known as "scareware," it takes advantage of users' desire to keep their computers protected. The rogue software lures users into paying for protection that is actually malware offering little or no real protection, and is often designed to steal personal information. The Microsoft Security Intelligence Report shows that such programmes are now among the top threats across the world.

For example, two rogue families, Win32/FakeXPA and Win32/FakeSecSen, were detected on more than 1.5 million computers by Microsoft, catapulting them into the top 10 threats in the second half of the year. In addition, Win32/Renos, a threat that is used to deliver rogue security software, was detected on 4.4 million unique computers, an increase of 66.6 per cent over the first half of 2008.

Rogue security software and other social engineering attacks such as these compromise people's privacy and are costly; some take personal information and drain bank accounts, while others infect computers and rob businesses of productivity.

Application layer
The report also showed that as software companies have improved the security of their operating systems, attackers have shifted their focus to the application layer, where the majority of vulnerabilities are now being reported; nearly 90 per cent of vulnerabilities disclosed in the second half of 2008 affected applications.

Exploiting vulnerabilities
A home user is usually targeted by a Trojan attack. While for enterprises, the weapon of choice is a worm attack. The biggest difference between enterprise and home vulnerabilities is social engineering. 

The social engineering messages used in connection with rogue security software may be less effective in an enterprise environment, where malware protection is typically the responsibility of the IT department. 

Worms rely less on social engineering to spread than Trojans and downloaders. Worms channels include unsecured file shares and removable storage volumes, both of which are often plentiful in enterprise environments.

Social networks
Social networking is getting hotter, and with it riskier. Social networking sites remain one of the top phishing targets. Social networking phishing attacks represented less than 1 per cent of attacks, but yield a big chunk of phishing impressions. 

A typical social network phishing is likely to trick many more users than a typical financial phish. There are a number of explanations for this discrepancy. While financial institutions targeted by phishers can number in the hundreds, just a handful of popular sites account for the bulk of the social network usage on the Internet, so phishers can effectively target many more people per site.

In addition, phishers often use the messaging features of the sites themselves to distribute their attacks, typically by gaining control of a user’s account and using it to send phishing messages to the victim’s friends. These attacks are more effective than email-based attacks as they exploit the considerable level of trust that users place in their friends.

Removal of unwanted software
Users don’t always remove unwanted software. Most security software companies’ scans allow users to ignore a security alert, allow software to remain, quarantine or remove it. If software is really malicious it is removed without user input. The gray areas appear when users have a choice.

These decisions are influenced by a number of factors, such as the user’s level of expertise, how certain they feel about their judgment regarding the software in question, the context in which the software was obtained, societal considerations, and the benefit (if any) being delivered by the software or by other software that is bundled with it.

Malware still remains a dominant threat. In the US, malware accounted for 67 per cent of all infected computers. Trojans -- the miscellaneous variety -- were detected on 29.4 per cent of infected computers.

Kareena Kapoor plays a sexy surgeon!

When the doctor happens to be as sexy as Kareena Kapoor, it’s better to keep the apple away.

For all those who know that Kareena Kapoor plays a supermodel in Kambakkht Ishq , here is some more dope. She also plays a surgeon, but not an ordinary one. She’s a doc who manages a parallel career as a model, slips into tiny bikinis for photoshoots, dons haute couture and, most unfortunately, hates men.

Bebo’s character in the film is an ultra mod, strong-headed girl who likes to live life on her own terms. ‘Kambakkht Ishq’ explores her love-hate relationship with Akshay Kumar , who plays a Hollywood stuntman. 
The teasers of the movie are already creating enough buzz. It has Akshay claiming that “women are only good for one thing”, to which Kareena, who hates men, suggests every other woman to do the same. 

A caper that promises paisa-vasool entertainment, ‘Kambakkht Ishq’ brims with glitz, glamour, bikinis, lovely foreign locales, Hollywood stars and larger-than-life drama, romance and action. 

`Google in talks to take over Twitter'

US Internet giant Google is in negotiations to acquire micro-blogging sensation Twitter for over 250 million dollars, technology blog TechCrunch reported on Friday.

Other News related to Google

Google exposes 19K credit card details
Over the years Internet search has been evolving, today one can search almost anything on the Net. But then as they say, technology is both a bane and a boon. Google Search recently exposed the credit card information of 19,000 British Web surfers.
Indian Net population dips by 3mn
India's political parties maybe busy creating blogs and launching e-campaigns ahead of the general elections, but the Indian netizen league is a depleting force.
Yahoo Mobile launched in India
US-based web portal Yahoo said its personalised web service for mobile devices Yahoo Mobile, present only in eight countries globally, has been made available to users in India.
Facebook CFO quits
Facebook confirmed that chief financial officer Gideon Yu is leaving, adding another name to a list of executives exiting the popular online social networking company.

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Microsoft, HCL tie up to outsource jobs

HOUSTON: Computer giant Microsoft has signed a $ 170-million five-year contract with India's HCL for outsourcing work for its online business productivity story.

HCL will provide 600 employees to support the contract and nearly 250 workers have already begun work on the project. 

Microsoft has not said whether this contract is to replace any existing agreement it has in India, or if this deal is an expansion of its current outsourcing scope. 

Despite the recent job cuts, Microsoft has been expanding its online services business and has recently announced plans to make its Business Productivity Online Suite, a software-as-a-service offering, available for trial and purchase in 19 countries.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fast & Furious (2009)

Box Office: Fast & Furious Cruises to $30 Million on Friday ($72 Million Debut)

Industry experts were expecting a $45 million opening weekend for the fourth installment of the “Fast and Furious” franchise, but the film would seem to be on its way to crash through that expectation, picking up an estimated $30 million on Friday alone. That still leaves Saturday and Sunday’s take, which as of this writing, have still not come in.

The $30 million dollar take for “Fast & Furious” came from 5,200 screens, and easily beat out the previous three installments. It bested “Tokyo Drift’s” entire debut weekend take, and easily trumped the original’s $15 million back in 2001. For the record, “2 Fast 2 Furious” took in just south of $20 million when it opened on Friday in 2003.

To put all this in perspective, after picking up $15 million on its Friday opening, the 2001 original went on to earn $40 million for the weekend, while “2 Fast 2 Furious” went on to claim $50 million. It’s looking very good that “Fast & Furious” will break both of those records when Saturday and Sunday’s take are counted. If I had to guess, I would say another $30 million is not out of the question, and indeed, may be on the low side.

Full weekend box office numbers later in the day. (Via)

Update: The AP has the film scoring a whopping $72.5 million in its weekend debut. This gives “Fast & Furious” the best opening of 2009, beating out last week’s “Monsters vs. Aliens’” $59 million opening. Add the $30-plus million the film earned in overseas box office, and “Fast & Furious” has officially crossed the $100 million mark in just three days of release.

Can you say, “Fast and Furious 5″?